
The innovation field curAInnovate includes actions towards innovation support that secure the establishment of a long-term cluster culture and the promotion of young researchers, which will be extended beyond the funding period. This versatile innovation field includes various programs ranging from projects for the establishment of a data platform to training opportunities.

curAInnovate projects

P15 curAHub - Concept development for a platform for the use, processing and creation of value creation from biodata

The curAHub project is an initiative to develop a concept for a professional data analysis and technology platform for translational biomedical research.

Central to the concept is the regulated use of high-quality, multidimensional data from longitudinal cohort and patient studies as well as external data. State-of-the-art AI tools and statistical methods, as well as scientific advice on data selection and analysis techniques aim to facilitate the translation of biomedical findings into clinical application. The platform will provide a legally compliant, data safe and -secure digital environment that fosters interdisciplinary collaboration between science and industry, enabling the synergistic use of various competencies. Additionally, legal advice on the market launch of new medical products, patents, and spin-offs will be offered. The commercialization of the platform concept is intended to ensure its long-term sustainability.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Wild

Coordinator curAHub

Preventive Cardiology and Medical Prevention, Professorship „Clinical Epidemiology“, Coordinator Gutenberg Health Study (GHS), Principal Investigator Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislaufforschung (DZHK)

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Link to research Prof. Wild

P16 curAEducate - Networking, training, competence development

The goal of curAEducate is to establish a comprehensive network that educates and trains talents and specialists in an interdisciplinary, intersectoral and translational manner and binds them to the RMP region through excellent career perspectives. For this purpose, curAEducate is building an exchange platform in which knowledge transfer takes place by bringing together researchers of all levels of experience in the disciplines of medicine, life sciences and AI. Fellowships will be awarded in order to promote cross-locational research. A Young Investigator Academy will be established, including workshops tailored to curATime needs. An additional certificate for the acquisition of translational expertise will be established and prospectively integrated into a master's degree program. A newly developed manual explaining translational case studies will serve as learning material. Within the framework of hackathons, curATime-specific questions are worked on. In order to bind cluster members to curATime and the RMP region in the long term, a recruiting platform is being established for the job applications of partners and specialists seeking employment.

Dr. Cathrin Nourse

Coordinator curAEducate
Scientific coordinator Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis, University Medical Center Mainz, Program coordinator Career program CTH

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Link to information Cathrin Nourse

P17 curACulture - Development of an innovative and creative cluster culture

curACulture sets the basis for the long-term creation of a sustainable, joint, open, equal and innovative cluster culture of all active and associated partners. The concept serves to create a cluster identity for itself as well as to anchor the network in the region and to establish a network inside and outside Germany. In addition to an open and transparent communication culture, versatile and applicable research results are generated by promoting creativity and excellence.

To achieve this, our curAMeet cluster conferences and the curATalk seminar series are held at regular intervals as part of the project, and press and public relations work is coordinated. With the targeted mentoring programme curAMent and the Equality Reporting, we want to improve equal opportunities and thus promote a more balanced gender distribution and diversity in leadership positions. In addition, we want to actively support and encourage researchers to address population heterogeneities as well as gender differences.

Dr. Nina Lolies

Coordinator curACulture

TRON gGmbH, Project management

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