About us
  • With curATime we strive to be at the forefront of innovation by collaborating with the brightest minds of academia and industry. We want to push the boundaries of knowledge and create transformative impact.
    Prof. Dr. Johnny Kim
    curATime cluster spokesman
  • curATime is a new challenge for us, not only because of the diversity of cluster participants, but especially because it sets the course into completely new research areas for TRON.
    Dr. Tina Büchling
    Administrative coordinator curATime
  • We want to better understand the pathomechanistic processes of atherothrombosis and identify molecular targets that we can address immunotherapeutically.
    Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Ugur Sahin
    curATime Scientist
  • curATime is a tremendous opportunity for translating basic discoveries into new therapeutic strategies and the prevention of atherothrombotic diseases.
    Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Wolfram Ruf
    curATime Scientist
  • The use of AI and Deep Learning for cardiovascular diseases will contribute essentially to the faster and lower-cost development of new drugs, as well as to the improvement of diagnoses and therapies.
    Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel
    curATime Scientist
  • With curATime, we aim to take drug development, diagnostics and prognosis of atherothrombosis to a new level. It is based on highly granular human cohorts with large-scale multi-omics analyses. This will enable us to identify targets and specific signatures directly in humans.
    Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Wild
    curATime Scientist
Our network

curATime is one of 14 future clusters of the "Clusters4Future" initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This initiative promotes geographically concentrated partnership structures that work towards a common goal through cooperation between all relevant stakeholders.  In this way, different technologies and competencies of a region are re-bundled to provide financial support for Germany's top research at an early stage, thus giving the clusters the opportunities to transform their ideas into future-oriented key technologies and applications.

A core team of experts in the fields of biomarker and thrombosis research, clinical cardiology, immunotherapy, epidemiology and machine learning has come together to establish the cluster. With their complementary expertise and access to extensive population studies (Gutenberg Health Study) and disease cohorts, the curATime core partners, consisting of TRON gGmbH, the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Kaiserslautern, have excellent prerequisites for achieving the ambitious cluster goals and thus the therapy for combating atherothrombosis that is targeted at the individual patient.

Interactive image of our partner network. Click on the logos to learn more about our partners.
Become a partner

To complement our cluster expertise and exploit regional and interregional synergies, we are looking for committed partners who share our vision and who want to redefine the boundaries of medicine through collaborative and cross-disciplinary innovation. The involvement of a wide variety of stakeholders from academia, business, politics and public health as well as intensive dialogue with citizens on societal issues in the field of cardiovascular diseases are part of curATime's living open cluster culture.

We particularly want to include start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises, large-scale industry and research facilities from the Rhine-Main-Palatinate region that want to participate in curATime through research and development projects and innovation-related activities.  Topics include:

  • Biomarker research, prevention and intervention

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning

  • Data security, data management and data integration

  • Use of joint infrastructures

  • Location and competence marketing, public relations and technology transfer

  • Promotion of young talent, recruiting and securing skilled workers

  • Involvement of citizens and society as potential customers

  • Collective exchange of personnel, especially between universities or research institutions and companies

  • Cross-clustering and internationalisation

Take part in the planning and implementation of innovative projects to answer highly relevant technological and medical questions, together with financial support from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and become part of a network of excellence in the Rhine-Main region!

Core partners

curATime cluster coordinator

TRON is a non-profit limited liability company whose mission is to bridge the gap between academic and industrial research. In the course [...]

curATime cluster coordinator

TRON is a non-profit limited liability company whose mission is to bridge the gap between academic and industrial research. In the course of this, TRON studies new therapies for widespread diseases in the population and develops treatment options up to clinical application through collaboration with academic and industrial partners. TRON's core competencies are the interdisciplinary use of genomic and immunological methods with the aim of creating innovative technologies and concepts for the identification and evaluation of potential biomarkers that can be used as the basis for individual immunotherapies. As a pioneer for this therapeutic application, TRON, together with its collaboration partners, sees itself as a think tank and driving force for personalized drug development.

The University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz is the only medical center providing supramaximal care in Rhineland-Palatinate and an internationally recognized scientific location. It comprises more than 60 [...]

The University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz is the only medical center providing supramaximal care in Rhineland-Palatinate and an internationally recognized scientific location. It comprises more than 60 clinical departments, institutes and divisions that work together across disciplines and treat more than 320,000 inpatients and outpatients every year. Highly specialized patient care, research and teaching are combined here. The University Medical Center offers training to around 3,500 medical and dental students and to more than 700 healthcare, commercial and technical professionals. With around 8,700 employees, the Mainz University Medical Center is one of the largest employers in the region and an important driver of growth and innovation.

The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI) was founded in 1988 as a non-profit public-private partnership (PPP). It has sites in Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken, Bremen and Lower Saxony, laboratories in Berlin and Darmstadt, and field offices in Lübeck and Trier. DFKI [...]

The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI) was founded in 1988 as a non-profit public-private partnership (PPP). It has sites in Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken, Bremen and Lower Saxony, laboratories in Berlin and Darmstadt, and field offices in Lübeck and Trier. DFKI combines scientific excellence and business-oriented value creation with social appreciation. DFKI has been researching AI for humans for more than 30 years and is oriented towards social relevance and scientific excellence in the crucial future-oriented research and application areas of artificial intelligence. In the international scientific world DFKI Currently, approximately 1,480 employees from over 65 nations are conducting research on innovative software solutions. The financial volume in 2021 was 76.3 million euros.

Cluster coordination

Prof. Dr. Johnny Kim - Cluster spokesman

Prof. Dr. Johnny Kim, Head of the Department for Cardiovascular Therapeutics at TRON, uses systems biology approaches to study the molecular mechanisms of cell differentiation processes and their reversal. He is a recognised expert in the field of tissue regeneration, stem cell, developmental and reprogramming biology. Johnny is associated with the German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK) at its Rhein-Main location and Associated Professor (Adjunct) at Yale University in New Haven, USA.

Dr. Tina Büchling - Administrative coordinator

Dr. Tina Büchling, head of TRONs project and collaboration management, is responsible for external and internal communication. With her as administrative coordinator, curATime will benefit from many years of expertise in agile project management in academic as well as industrial settings. She was already significantly involved in the administrative management of the scientific excellence cluster Ci3 in Mainz.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Ugur Sahin

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Ugur Sahin, Professor of Translational Oncology and Immunology at the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (UM) is a co-founder and scientific advisor of TRON gGmbH and CEO of BioNTechSE. He is an internationally distinguished expert in the field of mRNA technology. He focuses his current research activities on novel immunotherapeutic targets and the development of individualized treatment approaches as well as innovative immunotherapies.

Overview of publications

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Andreas Dengel, Executive Director of the Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI) in Kaiserslautern, Head of the Research Area Smart Data and Knowledge Services and Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau is an internationally distinguished AI expert. As a member of the Biotechnology Advisory Board RLP (, Prof. Dengel is contributing his many years of experience in AI-based analysis of multi-omics data and medical images as well as on explainable AI to curATime.

Overview of publications

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Wolfram Ruf

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfram Ruf, Scientific Director and Spokesman of the Centre for Thrombosis and Haemostasis Mainz (CTH), specializes in translational thrombosis research, coagulation factors and their signal transduction in tumour progression, as well as autoimmunity, atherosclerosis and angiogenesis. He is Deputy Spokesman of the Translational Vascular Biology Center Research Center as well as Principle Investigator at the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK).

Overview of publications

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Wild

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Wild is W3 Professor at the University Medical Center Mainz and heads the departments of Clinical Epidemiology and Systems Medicine at the Center for Thrombosis and Haemostasis as well as the department of Preventive Cardiology and Medical Prevention at the Center for Cardiology. He is a recognized expert in the field of translational research on common diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases. His focus lies on a medical systems research approach with multi-level data analyses.

Overview of publications

curATime advisory board

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André - University of Augsburg

Prof. Dr. Christoph Binder – Med. University of Vienna

Prof. Dr. Hugo ten Cate - CARIM, University of Maastricht

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Christoph Huber - University Medical Center Mainz, Med. University Vienna, BioNTech, Ci3

Prof. Dr. Georg Krausch - JGU Mainz

Dr. Kirsten Leineweber - Bayer Pharmaceuticals

Prof. Dr. Özlem Türeci – CIMT, HI-TRON, BioNTech SE

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster - DFKI