
curATalk Florian A. Weinberger - 02.10.2024

Pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes for cardiac repair - pharmacological considerations

02.10.2024, 17 - 18:00 Uhr

Dr Florian A. Weinberger

Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research, Madrid

& Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

The seminar will be held on-site at University Medical Center Mainz, Building 708

Ministerpräsident Schweitzer überreicht Ernennungsurkunde

Prof. Dr. Stefan Kramer ist Professor für Data Mining an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität und Professor h.c. an der University of Waikato in Hamilton, Neuseeland. Er wird nun der zweite KI Lotse in Rheinland-Pfalz. Damit hilft er die Brücke zwischen Biotechnologie und KI zu schlagen. Dem Themenbereich soll mehr Sichtbarkeit und Anwendungsnähe verliehen werden.

Der curAHack geht in die 2. Runde

Zur bioinformatischen Planung unseres 2. (Bio-) Hackathons 2025 suchen wir studentische Unterstützung!

Kennst du dich ein bisschen mit Hackathons aus? Hast du Lust eine eigene Challenge mit zu entwickeln und zu betreuen? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Du studierst gerade Bioinformatik, Biologie, Informatik oder etwas ähnliches und hast ca 8-10 Zeit in der Woche? Dann freuen wir uns auf deine Bewerbung!

curATime highlights its oustanding research at the Curious 2024 Conference

We were delighted to be able to present our curATime Cluster at one of the world's leading conferences on the future of science and technology in Mainz.

By giving a detailed overview, Prof. Philipp Wild highlighted the importance and the impact of the curATime network for atherosclerosis research and application.

In addition, the findings within the curATime project “microbAIome” were presented on a poster by Olga Dremova and Nadja Paeslack from the group of Christoph Reinhardt from the University Medical Center, ranking very high in the overall poster evalutation. Congratulations!

Prof. Philipp Wild presents our cluster at the Curious 2024 Future Insight Conference

Meet us at the Curious 2024 conference in Rheingoldhalle in Mainz and learn about our individualized strategies against cardiovascular diseases!

Curious brings together some of the world’s brightest scientists and most accomplished innovators. The future of science and technology, the challenges of today and dreams of a better tomorrow are shared at the two days conference.

Thursday, July 11 | 12:15 - 12:30

Rheingoldhalle Mainz

curATalk Alice Assinger - 13.06.2024

Platelets in Infection: A Battle of Wits

13.06.2024, 17:15 - 18:15

Prof. Dr. Alice Assinger

Institute of Vascular Biology and Thrombosis Research,

Medical University of Vienna, Austria

The seminar will be held on-site at University Medical Center Mainz, Building 708

Prof Wolfram Ruf next ISTH president

Our principal Investigator Prof Wolfram Ruf of the University Medical Center Mainz has been elected as the next president of the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH).

The ISTH is the leading worldwide organization dedicated to the advancement of the understanding, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of thrombotic and bleeding disorders.

curATalk Gwendalyn Randolph - 08.05.2024

Dissemination of inflammatory cells and molecules from the intestine to downstream and distal organs

08.05.2024, 17 - 17:45 Uhr

Prof. Dr. Gwendalyn Randolph

Emil R. Unanue Professor of Immunobiology, Department of Pathology

Washington University in St. Louis, USA

curATalk Laura Bindila - 18.04.2024

Modern lipidomics approaches for clinical and preclinical research and profiling

18.04.2024, 17 - 17:45 Uhr

Dr. Laura Bindila

Clinical Lipidomics Unit, Institute of Physiological Chemistry

University Medical Center Mainz

Start of the curATime Fellowship Program at TRON

curAFellows are aimed at students who would like to gain first practical experience in interdisciplinary research projects in the field of translational research. A unique opportunity to make a valuable contribution to the fight against atherothrombosis at an early stage.