Der 1. curATime Hackathon wird am 08.+09.04.2024 im Gutenberg Digital Hub, Mainz, stattfinden.
Gemeinsam werden junge Wissenschaftler, Bioinformatiker und Healthcare-Begeisterte Herausforderungen aus der Forschung des curATime Clusters angehen. Mehr Informationen hier.
curAEquality Award 2024
Romina Wolz from the University Medical Center Mainz received the curAEquality Award 2024 for her outstandingly Gender and Diversity inclusive research in her curATime subproject "Role of macrophage coagulation signaling in atherosclerosis".
Romina is currently doing her PhD at the Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CTH) at the University Medical Center Mainz in the group of Prof. Wolfram Ruf.
The implementation phase of curATime finally started on March 1st, 2023. To embrace our cluster culture, all partners met in the afternoon of May 3rd to introduce themselves to the curATime members while presenting each individual project to the audience.
curATalk Christoph Binder - 23.11.2022
„Humoral“ Immunity and Immune Homeostasis in Atherosclerosis
23.11.2022, 17:00 - 17:45 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Christoph Binder Department of Laboratory Medicine Medical University of Vienna & Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences